This is all you!
Sure, we had the idea to put this awesome group together and make some pretty incredible opera happen in Sacramento! And sure, it's up to us to make sure that we have our licensing in place, our cast and crew lined up, and our venues picked out. And sure, we are often working ourselves to the bone to make sure that we are in tip-top shape musically for when you come to our performances. That work is rewarding because we are incredibly passionate about what we do.
But if it weren't for YOU, then all of this would really be for naught. Without you in our audience, we would have no one to perform for. Without your passionate contribution, sustaining this organization would be virtually impossible.
When you make a donation of any amount today to Rogue Arts and Media, Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, you are quite literally breathing new life into Sacramento's music scene. It is Rogue's ambition to create adventurous, unique, and genre-defying theater-going experiences for our audiences. What's more, we like to keep our collaborations local; including artists, organizations, venues, designers, and more to bring something to life that you've hopefully never seen before in our fair city. So, when you "go Rogue" - we like to think you are supporting not just an organization but rather an entire movement!
So go ahead - give a little to get a lot in return!
Or you can make your check payable to Rogue Arts and Media, Inc. and send them to:
1851 Mammoth Way
Sacramento, CA 95834
Rogue Arts and Media, Inc. is a 501(c) 3